
108 has begun production

Actually, we recorded all the audio for 107, 108 & 109 at the same time, but actual work for 108 has begun. Got all the audio stripped and normalized, and editing is moving along. Already got the first minute done, which is nice since this one's only going to be about 8 minutes long. No more 15-minute epics.

With that being said, I'm not setting a premiere date yet, but I would imagine this one will be finished and posted by the end of April. Depends on how much yard work I have to do now that all the snow's melted!

Thanks for watching and wasting the Internet with us!



107 is finally here!

After a few technical glitches, here ya go!


107 progress

Right on track to have 107 up and ready Monday night. This is a much longer episode than usual, which means I would have been done by now!

Other than that, I'll have more downloads available. 

In the meantime, if you'd like your very own set of 4 Wacked coasters, hit me up!